When the Social Justice Warriors Get in Their Own Way

As the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland is doing:

The Church’s wooing of the SNP is largely to blame. It started when Cardinal Winning clashed with the then Labour Executive over their social liberalism. Winning and many of the other people in charge convinced themselves that the nationalists were going to be more onside on issues like abortion. There was absolutely no evidence that this would ever be the case, as the Catholic community are about to find out. Instead, they have been played for useful fools by Salmond et al, whose entryists have done the necessary spade work from within.

There’s no evidence that the SNP will champion causes near and dear to the RCC such as being pro-life.  But both the people and the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, with Anglophobe memories running half a millennium deep, allow their emotions to think that an independent Scotland would further the cause of the RCC and its flock.  (They should have first remembered that it was an independent Scotland that broke the RCC in the first place, long before the Union or even James I/VI.)

The SNP’s goal is a Scotland that is independent of England and part of the EU, and there’s nothing particularly Christian in that agenda.  And letting the BDS people run hog-wild during a football match just plain stupid on many levels.

But that’s what happens when you have SJW’s who act before they think.

Note: the Spectator article mentioned the Scottish Catholic Observer.  When I was in the UK forty years ago this summer, I read an article about the appalling treatment beggars got at Westminster Cathedral, something I attempted to make a dent in the following Sunday after Mass.  The paper’s downfall is really sad indeed.

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