You’re Not as Dumb as You Look

David at the Political Chase seems taken aback that this "conservative blogger" wouldn’t go along with the Jonesville COG’s pastor’s implication that Barack Obama is a Muslim:

Interestingly enough, not every right-wing conservative blogger supports Pastor Byrd’s thought provoking idea. At least two conservative bloggers do not.

This reminds me of something that happened to me as an undergraduate at Texas A&M.  One of the things that the Mechanical Engineering department required its majors to take was Logic, which was offered by the Philosophy Department.  Most of the engineers did pretty well in this course, which was doubtless a source of secret frustration to liberal arts’ professors.

One day I went up to pick up a test from the professor.  The professor looked at the grade, noted that I had nearly aced it, looked at me, and exclaimed, "You’re not as dumb as you look!"

But perhaps I shouldn’t be so smug about this, because most liberals don’t find my explanations about Barack Obama any more satisfying than they do Pastor Byrd’s.

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