Anglican Calendar Script

This program has one purpose: to determine and write out the applicable liturgical day under the “traditional” Anglican and Episcopal calendar for the current day (for the server; the viewer might actually be in a different day.) By “traditional” we mean as enumerated in the 1662 (Church of England) and 1928 (Protestant Episcopal Church) prayer books. Both of these prayer books can be downloaded from this website, as can the one used in The Island Chronicles. An example of the use of this script can be seen at this website in the upper left hand corner of the page.

The program can return up to three results:

  1. The specific Sunday in the church year, which is repeated during the following week unless a major event intervenes (such as Christmas, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Ascension Day, etc.)
  2. The saint’s feast or other holy day, such as Holy Innocents, All Saints, etc. We have restricted these days to those days which have collects, epistles and gospels for the Holy Communion.
  3. Whether a day is a Rogation or Ember Day.

It also returns the date.

We have opted to present these without any rules of precedence, as these vary between the prayer books listed above.

You can include this script either directly into the web page or as an include, which is the way it’s done at its home site. This copy of the script displays the result in “h3” format, which can be modified by changing the tags at the start and end of the script.

A step-by-step procedure for this is as follows:

  1. Extract the archive.
  2. Make sure your web hosting service or location has php installed and working.
  3. Upload the file ‘calendar.php’ to the location of your choice on your website.
  4. To place the calendar on a web page, use a php include.  The syntax should look something like this: <?php include ‘<Substitute URL of calendar.php as you have uploaded it here>’; ?>

It’s also possible to directly copy and paste the source code of calendar.php into a web page.

Suggestions and error notices can be sent to me at our contact page. If you modify and/or redistribute this code, we ask that attribution to the original code and author be maintained. Additional terms and conditions are detailed with the software.

Download Anglican Calendar Script (tgz format, current version is 0.17)

6 Replies to “Anglican Calendar Script”

  1. Hi, some time ago I was able to download the Anglican Church Calendar onto my Google calendar which was neat. Now, of course, we are in Yr A and I need to download a new calendar.

    The trouble is I can’t remember where I got it from.

    Do you have a ‘to Google Anglican Church Calendar?’ Actually, the Lutheran or RC calendars would do as well, if they are using the Revised Common Lectionary.


  2. I’m enjoying reading your blog. I stumbled across it while researching Liturgical calendars. I tried to download the script and it appears to not be on your site anymore. Is it still possible to get a copy? Or can you fix the link? I would greatly appreciate looking over this php for other projects I am working on.

    Thank you for your time and thought on the matter.



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